While Minor, Major, and Boss mods reduced damage from specific sources, Sniper and Melee Resistance mods will only kick in at certain distances. As the names suggest, these mods prevent damage up close or far away, and before you ask, no, slotting them both in won’t give you a flat damage reduction to all incoming damage. The new armor mods are Sniper Damage Resistance and Melee Damage Resistance. Let’s take a look to see which mods are the right picks in Destiny 2: Beyond Light. Thankfully, Reddit user LegoWitch has done the analysis on what each of these new mods can do for you and how best to use them.

All these mods now get slotted into your chest armor’s center two slots, making it more difficult than ever to keep yourself protected. Minor, Major, and Boss Resist mods have all been removed in favor of two new damage resist mods as well as Concussive Dampener and the elemental resistance mods, which stay over from the previous sandbox. Conversely, generic ammo finding mods were also removed and many of the specific ammo finding mods now cost the same as the generic ones, making it harder to slot mods in without masterworking armor. The elemental affinities for reload and ammo scavenging mods were all removed, allowing you to slot those mods into any armor you own. Mods got an overhaul when Beyond Light arrived in Destiny 2.

Here’s how they work and why you should use them. Damage reducing armor mods function a bit differently in Destiny 2: Beyond Light.